Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Hairnet

Anyone a teenager of the 80s?  Def Leppard, "Thriller", tapered jeans, parachute pants, Rubik's Cube, Trivial Pursuit... the fun-fun list goes on and on.  One of the most ungodliest fashion disasters of the decade?  Big hair.  I mean, *seriously* big hair.  Most girls like me who went to high school in the mid-eighties remembers standing at the mirror with a curling iron in one hand and a huge bottle of Aqua Net in the other, laboriously reaching for the sky, trying to get each tendril of hair as stiff as... well, you know.

I was on the yearbook staff in high school, and my senior year, we went to the mall to take staff pictures.  My friend and I stood out in high December winds for fifteen minutes waiting for my dad to pick us up and drive us over.  I was worried that my hair would be a mess.  But, no-- thanks to Aqua Net, the day was saved!  I used so many chemicals in my hair that not a strand was out of place.  And I looked *great*.

One of my favorite sites to laugh at is Awkward Family Photos.  I saw this picture this morning and was transported back to the Glorious Eighties.  I do have to say... thank God my hair was never THIS high.

The Hairnet


  1. haha - that is high. I had a perm in the 80s, but thankfully never hair as high as this ;-)

  2. Aw, and I thought that was you!!! Fortunately, I was too involved with kids, and my kids were too young, to indulge in big hair....

  3. Too funny! I love looking at the 80s rock bands and wondering how anyone found them hot with that long hair styled so high...lol!
